Gallery Night Pensacola – Fashion Week

Gallery Night is an all-ages, community, arts, and cultural event on the third Friday of each month from 5-9 pm. Our unique monthly themes set the tone for each event’s art, performers, musical performance stages, and activities that are sure to please.

Gallery Night’s extensive art zones will be hosting over 60 local artisans along Palafox Street at this month’s event. Don’t miss our newest addition – Gallery Night’s Market Zone, located at Government Street across from Plaza Ferdinand. Event patrons have more shopping opportunities when visiting our artists’ open-air tents along the streetside. Maybe you will find that unique treasure you have been searching for.

Gallery Night is presented by Publix and features returning events features: Legal Graffiti, sponsored by Zarzaur Law at Romana and Palafox, and venture a bit more south to the Youth Music Project Stage, sponsored by Stevenson Klotz, at the corner of Palafox and Government.

Participating downtown bars and restaurants are open and serving guests. Additionally, local shops and galleries will remain open late, providing the opportunity to shop for additional unique gifts and wares.


Sep 15 2023


5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

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